On its face, the estate planning process might seem straightforward. But depending on your needs, vision of the future and your circumstances, the matter can become more complicated than you anticipate. This is especially true if you suspect that a family member or...
Month: November 2020
What are common disputes regarding preferential rights?
Preferential rights offer certain investors special privileges or protections, which is why business owners often use them to attract more investments. While these rights can help foster business growth, they can also cause shareholder disputes. This is especially...
Can property owners contest an eminent domain claim?
Eminent domain allows government entities to seize private property for public use, such as highways, schools or utilities. This power aims to benefit the community but can be distressing for property owners who must relinquish their land. State and local governments...
What if no one wants to be the executor of an estate?
The aftermath of the death of a loved one is an emotionally challenging time. In addition to working through your grief and sadness, you must handle the practical matters that come along with a death. Settling your loved one’s estate is one of these tasks. One step in...
Managing property tax disputes in Ohio
Property taxes in Ohio can be a significant burden for homeowners. If you believe your property tax assessment is too high, you can dispute it. Understanding the process and your rights can help you navigate this challenge effectively. Understand your property tax...
Can the government take only a portion of my property?
Traditional eminent domain cases can be stressful enough, even with fair compensation. But what if the government only wants a portion of your land? How will it affect the property you have left over? Here’s how partial taking works and how you can protect your rights...
What are the rights of minority shareholders?
Minority shareholders are people or groups that own less than 50% of a company's voting shares. They may be individual investors, employees with stock options or smaller institutional investors. When the company needs to make important decisions, shareholders vote....
Earnest money disputes: When good faith goes wrong
Earnest money plays a crucial role in buying or selling a property. While the law doesn't require earnest money, buyers typically offer it as a show of good faith. It demonstrates their commitment to purchasing the property, as well as provides the seller with...
How to reduce family conflict over your estate plan
Much of the estate planning process is focused on leaving assets to loved ones and charitable causes that you believe in. While that process may give you a sense of comfort since you’ll know that those you care about will be taken care of, the process can end up...
Can I avoid eminent domain by proving historical value?
Having a home is a wonderful experience, primarily when you have worked hard to restore it. You have had the house in your family for a long time, but it is only now that you can fix it enough to live in it. Imagine your surprise when you see a notice that the...